A few things I am wanting this week...
  1. Vintage Alphabet Backpack from Sugar Booger on Eu.fab.com
  2. Pirate Captain Flipdoll from Villa Carton on Eu.fab.com
  3. Nikon Holga Lens from Photojojo
  4. Cardigan from H&M
  5. Make your own banner kit from Papermash
  6. Quilt cover from Ikea


  1. I have one of the holga lenses for my Canon, I hate it! It is pants! I haven't managed to get one even half decent photo from it. It just looks awful!

    1. Thanks for the heads up! I wanted to try it but if its rubbish then ill give it a miss. I can't afford film for my holga anymore as its too expensive to process. X
