Monday Check In
Obsessing over: Cleaning, Ebaying and Presents. It's nearly Max's birthday so I need to get on top of everything, I want the flat completely tidy before his birthday as I have a feeling we have to make a lot of room for things.
Working on: Trying to eat healthier, I'm rubbish at either overeating or undereating. I need a healthy balance. Also I need to stop spending my money. Max doesn't need another christmas jumper (he really does)
Thinking about: How to set my career into motion. Photography, despite having a degree and being all I wanted to do has left me so uninterested after a rubbish year at Uni. I need to rekindle my love but in the meanwhile I love my blogging jobs and selling books.
Anticipating: Christmas and Max's birthday. The most exciting time of the year!
Listening to: Mcfly - This Is Love. I've always loved this band, so I've been listening to the song on repeat since it's release.
Drinking: Homemade strawberry smoothie mmmmmmm.
Wishing: I could magic my to do list away and spend more time with my little man. Also I wouldn't mind a lovely spa day at the Lush spa. My mums friend works there and I still have a gift voucher I need to spend!
Hoping: That all the above happens and that everyone is okay!
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