Max had his two year review today. It's basically a check to make sure that his development is on the right line and we have no issues or problems. We wanted to ask some advice on things such as potty training and trying to get rid of the dummy but she reassured us that he will eventually stop using it and the potty training seems to be right around the corner. She remarked how well spoken he was and how outgoing and social he seemed which I am probably most proud of! Max loves meeting new people and I'd hate for him to be a social wallflower.
He is so funny, always making me laugh with funny songs. He seems to have more style than me and Scott rolled into one (having said that we aren't that stylish haha)
I still can't believe he is 2. Some of the things he loves to do include lounging on the sofa either eating or singing along with songs he loves. Dressing up and playing with his toys making stories and scenarios. Running and jumping in puddles, off kerbs and rolling in grass. Asking questions and attempting to do things himself. And looking after his 'baby', one day he will make an amazing big brother.
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