Farmer Palmers Had A Farm!

We absolutely LOVE our local farm. So much so that we have annual passes so we can go whenever we want. And seeing as it's only March and we have been 10 times already I'd say we enjoy it. 

Today we decided to pop down for a few hours to kill some time. While we were there I let Max play on his camera (it's an old bridge camera of mine from about 8 years ago so I'm not bothered what happens to it) and here are the best ones.

Max is pretty scared of the adult sheep so he was sat on my knee baa'ing at them whilst he took this photo. He loves the lambs however and always strokes them calling them baby fluffys haha. 

The pigs are Max's favourite. At the start of the year these piglets were born and they were so tiny and cute. Watching them grow up is lovely.

Again Max is pretty scared of the goats. I think it's because they are really loud compared to the other animals. 

A short but sweet post. I love that Max has taken a real interest in cameras. May be something to do with me always pointing mine in his face to take a photo! I'll give a proper post about the farm when I take my camera next. 

1 comment

  1. Looks like a lovely day! And you have a lovely blog too! I'm not keen on adult sheep either, they have few endearing qualities!

    Happy to have found you!

    Kate x
    Just Pirouette and Carry On...
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