
Hello! So as you all know, Father's Day is looking (16th June to be exact) and Max isn't old enough to trot along to the shops himself so I have to give him a bit of a hand picking these things. Luckily the lovely people over at offered to send us something extra special to review just in time for Father's Day. 

They sent us the gorgeous "Dear Dad, From you to me" Journal. This is a hardback journal that consists of pages with headings on. The headings are what makes it special though. The idea is that the parent is supposed to fill it our for their son/daughter/children so that one day they can look back on it and find out those special things like "Where did you meet mum?" and "How did you feel when you found out mum was pregnant?" Questions that the child might be embarrassed to ask but there is always a loving story behind it. 

The pages are blank so that the person can write as much or as little as possible or perhaps stick a photo down if they prefer not to write it. Scott will love something like this as being a writer he always wants to tell a story to people. Well now he can tell his son his own story! There is also a marker so you won't get lost within the 60 different questions. There is also no set order so you can fill it in as you wish. And unlike a baby book or diary there isn't a timeframe that you feel you need to complete it in!

I love this gift, and I know that Scott will too. It's something that's personal but isn't personalised. It's also something that he can add to and change as an when he pleases and Max won't be able to read it for a while. I like the idea of writing down your fondest memories in the hope that your children will learn to love and be fond of them too. They might even find out that you weren't that grumpy parent all the time.

The book is priced at £12.99 which I think is great for a personal gift. You can also get other versions in the series such as Dear Mum/Grandma/Grandad. 

Some other things on the site I loved were:
  1. Personalised Record Frame
  2. MP3 Headphone Hat
  3. Smart Gloves
  4. Personalised Giant Beer Glass
  5. Personalised Photo Frame
  6. Hopside Down Bottle Glass
  7. Man Bowl
Find-Me-A-Gift have a Bank Holiday Bonanza going on at the moment where there are discounts on purchases until the 31st May. They also stock even more products for occasions and people so head on over and find yourself a gift!

Note: I was gifted this product for review purposes. All opinions are my own.

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