Our freebies from comic book day, some macarons from the food festival, indoor picnics and growing cress.
So I realised that I've written lots but not really explained how life is at the moment.
Max is doing really well. We're just getting past the tantrums of him being two and beginning to have great conversations with him and do things that he now understands. We decided that we would make some cress as we have no garden so flowers are a big no-no. He loved planting it (in an old egg box) and each morning would ask me if he could see it so he could make sure it was growing properly. Unfortunately it didn't go down to well in the eating books. He wasn't too keen on it but it was fun growing it!
He's also been really well behaved when it comes to meal times (at least when he's with me he has!) so we decided that we would do a lovely indoor picnic one day which he loved.
Scott has finally finished uni. It's taken him 4 years and a lot of stress but I couldn't be prouder. When people first found out we were expecting Max they all thought we were going to drop out or fail but we've proved them wrong. He's also just started a blog (oooohhhhh, aaahhhh) over at Writing-dad so go and say hi if you wanted. He's never fully committed to a blog before but I convinced him that it would be good for his writing.
And me? Well apart from going to gigs, looking after Max and working I've been cross stitching and taking photos and trying to find out what career I want in life. I know the general area but I need experience before I can do that. So maybe back to school I go haha.
Hope everyone has been okay!
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