Heely's Review

Everyone has heard of Heelys. If you don't then they shoes with the built in wheel so that children (and adults) can skate about on them. I've always been dubious about these shoes as they have had mixed reviews from children skating too fast or using them inappropriately but I was surprised with how sturdy and safe they were.

When they arrived in the box you get some shoes, a lock and some wheels. The wheels need to be put in the shoes which is a simple 3 step method. One thing I did notice was that the shoes do come up a tad small because the insole is quite high in the shoe. Best bet is to get the size up and then wear thick socks or use your own insole aswell to make them fit a bit better!

The shoes were really easy for Max to walk in when he wasn't skating but it took him a bit of time to get the hang of the skate aspect of it. We made sure that he held our hand and went to the local park to test them on grass and tarmac. Obviously tarmac made for a smoother skate but the grass was great for Max as he didn't go too fast or slide about accidentally. It would have been good to have been able to pop the wheels away quickly when we didn't want them but found it was quite tricky to take them out and didn't want to carry all the other parts with us. 

The shoes themselves were really smart and suited everything he wore which made them ideal for everyday wear. They are made of high quality material so they don't seem to scuff or damage easily. But we have only had them for a few weeks so only time will tell! Max gave them a big thumbs up and they seem to be a great alternative for keeping kid's active especially in the hot summer months that we seem to have at the moment!

These Heelys can be bought from Skates and are reasonably priced at £49.95.

*we were sent these to review*


  1. Awh bless! I've secretly always wanted a pair ;)
    Rosie x | Every Word Handwritten

    1. we actually nearly got sent an adult pair. I really couldn't get past the embarrassment of skating round my work getting books for people.

  2. Great post! I agree with Rosie. I'm a bit jealous because I've always wanted a pair myself :)

