I Do Love A Good Wedding

Especially when it's one that you get to photograph of some of your favourite friends!
Last month my two friends Jess and Steve finally got married. It had been a long time coming and when I was asked to take the photos I almost squealed with glee. Despite putting down my camera full time career wise I most certainly pick it up for work like this.

They had a gorgeous low key ceremony at the local registry office. It was perfect for them and it meant I got some gorgeous photos. 

They took a London bus on a tour of Portsmouth sights. It was great with some awesome music blaring out with some stops along the way to get some sneaky photos of the couple alone. 

There was very much a vintage purple theme going on and I couldn't help but fall in love with these forks. How darn cute!!

Finally I wish Jess and Steve a beautiful future together. I loved being part of their wedding not only as friends but as a photographer (and crepe paper fluffer extraodinaire!) I would say I can't wait to see you soon but I only saw you a couple of days ago..


  1. Gorgeous family picture at the end!
    I'm going to the meet up on Saturday so hopefully see you there.

    Justine Cashmere Times

  2. Awh such lovely photos Laura. Loving the purple too!
    Rosie x | Every Word Handwritten
