Planes Soundtrack Review

Having a toddler means that the films we watch are mostly Disney. Not complaining as they are actually what we and Scott watched a lot of anyway! We got offered the chance to review some of the new soundtracks from Disney and the first one was Planes. 

Whilst we haven't seen the film in full, we have seen enough teasers, clips and bits from it to understand the story and probably buy it when it's on DVD or catch it on the Saturday morning cinema days at our local. 

The film itself is in a similar style to Cars and focuses on planes and their abilities. It features a wide array of Actors such as Val Kilmer, John Cleese and Teri Hatcher. Which is an impressive line up but Disney doesn't really do anything by halves. 

The CD contains the entire soundtrack of the film which on first listen is really impressive! Catchy tunes that are really applicable to the charts at the moment. A bit of R&B thrown in with some Rock and beautiful instrumental tracks. On first listening Max didn't really understand the instrumental bits and then he started to embrace them by dancing and swooping his cuddly toys round. 

Our favourite track has to be the bonus track. Ein Crop Duster Can Race is a hilarious ditty about Dusty the main character being able to achieve his dreams because he might look different but is the same as the others at the end of the day. 

We love this soundtrack. It's quintessentially Disney and we are HUGE fan's anyway. The composer actually helped create some of the music for films such as Tarzan, Lion King and Brother Bear so you know you are in safe hands with this one!

FInally this is a download only soundtrack over at Itunes, so if the kid's are fans then it's one for the virtual shopping basket. 

*We were gifted this soundtrack for review purposes

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