I Hear Thunder

Over the past few nights we've had really bad thunder, lightning, rain and hail. So much so that Max hasn't been sleeping too well. 
Those days that he gets woken by it all mean that me and him snuggle in his bedroom under a blanket, pop open one of the blinds in his room and watch it all out of his window. 

He's fascinated by the lightning, not so much the thunder as it's rather loud. But he loves the light and counting how long it takes for the thunder to appear after!

Unfortunately we have Velux windows in our place so you can't hide from the noise (one night the hail was so bad it sounded like we were being shot at) but I can't help but love the snuggles that he gives me whilst telling me all about the rain pattering onto his window. 

1 comment

  1. I have Velux windows in my room too and love listening to the rain. It's so peaceful. My Dad used to wake me up if there was a storm so we could watch it :)
