Life Lately.

Max recently was asked if he wanted to do some voice recording for a graduate piece at Bournemouth Uni. Of course Max can never say no to a bit of chocolate bribe or a chance to go in a recording studio so we headed down. Max had been given about 20 lines of simple dialogue between a mum and her cheeky son and where we thought we had a good 30-45 minute challenge on our hands actually turned into something pretty easy. Max read off his lines (well copied me or Scott) with such ease that within 10 minutes he had given everyone a high five and left smugly with his bag of chocolate buttons. 

Of course this isn't the first time he's done something for the media department at the uni. When he was just gone 1 he featured in a short film by a graduate where he played a child who's mum suffered from PND and left him in a cafe. Here's a link.

And to top it all off Bournemouth Uni have some very awesome props in their media department so a visit wasn't complete without an attempt to open the doors of the Tardis and a cuddle with Sulley.


  1. This is adorable and I am jealous of Max - I would love to cuddle Sulley!!

  2. aw amazing, you've got a little performer on your hands!


