Life Lately

The weather has hindered most of our opportunities to go out to the forest and other great places. So instead we have been making up games and crafts to play at home.

Max's favourite thing is to play dress up and run around the place singing relevant songs. So we have been watching and dressing as Yo Gabba Gabba characters and then transforming into Aquabats characters by the end of the day. 

He's getting really great with learning song words and attempting to play them on the guitar. I think we may be investing in music lessons in the not too distant future! He also loves playing 'life'. Whether that be running a shop or playing doctors with his teddies he loves pretending he's a grown up. I can't wait to give him his toy kitchen for his birthday/christmas (not too sure which yet!).

Apart from attempting and slightly failing at NaNoWriMo, I've been crafting loads this month. I plan on making most of the xmas presents this year such as these cute brooches, cushion covers, fudge and hopefully with some practice small soft toys! It's a bit early with my practicing but I'm slowly refining my skills. 

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