Microsoft's Great British Type Off - Giveaway

Last  week I was contacted by the people at Microsoft to head down to my local Currys/Pc World and take the Great British Type Test. They are on the road to find out what type of typer everyone is and to show you the best type of keyboard for how you type.

They have found that nearly 1 in 10 people are on their keyboards or typing away by 10am, which is astonishing when you think that before computers and smartphones the majority of typing was only done by skilled typists. Nowadays each and every person has their own unique way of punching away at the keys so we need to find the right keyboard for the right typist.

When I headed down to the event I was a bit apprehensive as I know I can be quite a fast but messy typer. I am constantly looking at my screen to find hundreds of red squiggly lines everywhere which takes me just as long to look through as what it did to type. I also was aware that I used one hand a lot more than the other. I have no idea why but I think I just have a lazy hand! I found that I was a speedy typer, which I guessed. As I can type fast but I sometimes stumble over parts and I don't know how to touch type properly.

I sat down and was presented with the Sculpt Ergonomic Desktop keyboard. It looked a little bit scary and it took a lot of getting used to. By the end I still wasn't convinced that it was the right keyboard for me. So I did a bit of playing with each of them to see what fit my typing style the best. It was amazing to see how a different keyboard affected the way I typed. I have always struggled a bit with the spacing sometimes on my Macbook but brushed it off by thinking that I was just a rubbish typer. In the end we realised that the best one for me was the Wireless Comfort Desktop 5000.

The wireless keyboard was better than a wired one for me as it meant that I could keep my screen at a distance but still be able to type no matter how near or far I was. I find that I normally keep my macbook on a slight incline as it's easier to view the screen for things such as photo editing and writing. The keyboard itself comes packaged in a bight box with a USB stick to connect it to the computer and a mouse that is also wireless and feeds off the same USB. There is also 2 sets of batteries for the keyboard and the mouse and also some rubber stoppers to allow an incline on the keyboard if you wish. These just locked into place and are easy to remove if needed.

This was because the keyboard had an ergonomic design that allowed me to rest my hands whilst still reaching all the keys. The curve in the keyboard allows me to reach across but not strain my wrists when I am typing fast.

To set it up all I did was plug the USB stick into the side of my laptop, press any key on the keyboard to activate it and I was ready to type. It took some getting used to as I am normally using my laptop keyboard but it took me no time to get into the swing of things. Infact I'm typing using the keyboard at the moment!

The one thing I have found is that I need to remember what the Mac shortcuts are as they are not the same as the shortcuts on this keyboard. Having said that I could easily get some sticky labels to cover them. or glance at the macbook keyboard to remind myself. It's great that this product works across both operating systems as sometimes you find that products want to be exclusive and then you end up paying a large amount of money on a product that doesn't suit you and your typing style at all.

The mouse is really good and reminds me that using a track pad can be really annoying at times! Especially when I am editing photos. I used to have a graphics tablet but it was frustrating to have to clear the space and set it up to edit a photo or two so I save that for when I have a whole batch to edit. It's quite heavy so I have no worry that it will get knocked easily.

Overall I love this keyboard. I am finding that I can type faster and I'm making less mistakes than I have done previously. Not only that but having a keyboard means I'm sitting at a table instead of slouching against a sofa or bed to type meaning that I am sitting properly too! Woo!

I am fortunate enough to be able to offer you guys a chance to win a keyboard of your own from Microsoft. All you have to do is enter via the rafflecopter below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I can type pretty fast!


  2. A slow one! lol xx

  3. A one finger on each hand typer!

  4. I'm pretty decent typing. I'm not as fast as a trained typist with normal words, but when there is technical information they tend to slow down to my speed.

  5. Because I work online for a living my speed is pretty fast and I touch type on average around 150 words a minute.

  6. one finger typer very slow but get there in the end :)

  7. I can usually touch type but I have a recovering broken wrist at the moment which definately impedes typing speed, though I rekon the typing is good physio for stiff fingers.

  8. I'm quite fast, all self taught and practice rather than touch typing though. Comes from years of admin work!

  9. fast but i don't know how fast. I dont type properly. I'm a speed demon on the number keys after working for a bank.

  10. I wish I could type quicker, especially as a computer science student!

  11. Reasonably quickly but could do better!

  12. Can manage four fingered typing as long as I keep peeking at the keyboard!

  13. a fast :) i have to for work

  14. Fast but mistake-prone!

  15. Learnt to touch type when I was 17 and that was on an old fashioned typewriter - so pretty quick

  16. a touch typist, I'm pretty good but occassionally I find my fingers go faster than my brain

  17. I learnt at school on a manual (it makes me sound ancient, I can assure you I'm not) and I can remember well when I started using an electronic typewriters; it felt too sensitive and that it was running away with me. Again both of those are totally different to the keyboards of today. Would love to win, thanks for a great giveaway.

  18. Slow but I get there in the end

  19. Im a touch typist can do 60 words a minute

  20. I'm really fast, usually between 70 - 80 wpm! The computer struggles to keep up at times haha!

  21. I am a touch typer. :)

  22. I'm quite fast, but have to be looking at the keyboard to type - I could never touch type as I get confused when I look away.

  23. I just wish Microsoft made a wired version of the comfort 5000 + mouse kit. Whilst I enjoy the good old mouse to be wireless, I prefer my keyboards wired, as I hate running out of batteries mid type!

  24. Im quite a competent typist- providing its a keyboard im used to.

  25. Two finger with lots of typing errors. This is annoying becuase my spelling is OK but you wouldn't believe it by looking at anything I type.

  26. A two finger typer @Amezeylady

  27. I get by. I'm not slow or fast.

  28. Reasonably fast but I do need to look at the keyboard every so often.

  29. SPEEDY TYPE! based on the answers I gave. I would say this is accurate, I am a very fast typer but I do need to look at the keyboard sometimes although I think this is just because I find it reassuring.


  31. I'm pretty darn fast and I rock it with numbers since I do accounts all day! @criscurran

  32. Ok until I get a headache and then I get dyslexic fingers !

  33. I touch type fairly fast so a comfortable keyboard is quite important

  34. really slow,but never typed when i was younger.

  35. im uite fast but use all my fingers and often have to go back and correct myself

  36. Sometimes I can type quick, sometimes I type slower. I guess it depends on the importance of what I am writing. x

  37. Average speed, wish I was faster
