I Need You! A Britmums 2014 Sponsor Plea

Have you heard of Britmums Live? If not then I'll give you a little rundown. It's a blogging conference for parenting bloggers set over two days in the heart of London. Brands and bloggers alike both get to meet each other and have a great time at a conference all about the wonderful world of blogging.

This is the first year that I hope to attend, I want to go so that I can meet new bloggers, brands and find a new found confidence in my blog and try and push it to the next level of creativity.

Whilst I already have a ticket I am on the lookout for a sponsor that can help me become a better blogger (because let's face it, there's more to blogging than gorgeous photos of my little man!) and help me with the other costs in order to attend. 

I am looking for: 
Help with transport and accommodation. I plan on taking the train and it will cost no more than £50 in total for a return journey. In terms of accommodation I am happy with whatever budget that my sponsor has and will find something suitable if needed. 

In return you will get:
Your logo on my blog for the whole year.
I will tweet about your brand before, after and during the event.
Post opportunities throughout the year about your brand whether that be reviews, competitions or sponsored posts. 
Promotion on all social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc)

All these terms are negotiable.

I have 200+ followers on GFC
700+ twitter followers
500+ followers on Instagram

If you would love to sponsor me then please get in touch via email on lauradaviesphotography@gmail.com
(Max might even write you a song!)

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