What We Have Been Up To

I've not been online for a few days. What with a manic weekend behind us (Pbloggers was so good last Sunday) and trying to settle back into a routine with life I completely forgot about other aspects of my life. 

I've got some roller skates. To say I am unsteady would be an understatement. I haven't fallen over yet but only time will tell. I've got them to try and be a bit fitter as I feel that being a blogger, reader and crafter leaves you sat on your feet the whole time when I know I am severely unfit and fat. New year, new goals. 

I've been a bit ploughed under with a rubbish cold and at time feel like everything is on top of me. Honestly I've been wishing I could hibernate for a few days but life goes on. This photo also makes me realise how much I need to cut my hair. Looks so wispy!

Max is slowly transitioning out of the terrible twos and into the tedious threes. He knows exactly how to push our buttons to get what he wants. Sometimes I give in as I'd rather watch those videos of cute cats with him than have an argument. 

I'm constantly rearranging, selling old things and getting new things for us. I think it's cabin fever, knowing that we aren't supposed to stay here long and we need to make our way out and get full time jobs. Not easy in this economic climate. Especially when I want to go into marketing and online work and I have a degree in photography. I was looking at doing a princes trust course and starting up a photography business as I'm starting to enjoy picking my camera up again. But that's a lot of research and Scott would need a full time job to support me. 

Finally to end on a lighter note, here's a sneak peek of a craft project I'm working on at the moment. I'll have a full guide on my site when it's finished. They are so adorable!

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