
Happy weekend readers!

As you have probably been able to figure, FriDad isn’t quite FriDad. I have little to defend myself with other than, I haven’t been prioritising towards FriDad. There are a number things I am in the midst of juggling and the time, will and urge to do ANY form of writing that isn’t an application form has been lost. So, I wanted to start this post by apologising to the people who do wait to read FriDad only to find an empty spot. I intend to get things back on track and on a more consistent level, the only way that can done is if I, as my dad says ‘get my finger out!’. I can’t promise a quick turnaround, but I can promise an eventual return to normality.

Well, summer’s here. Tis the REAL season to be jolly. Winter and Christmas does have festivities, however summer is full of excitement, freedom and opportunity.

One thing that does seem to stand out, especially where I see is sports. More and more families of all ages and genders are getting stuck in with the fun. The most touching one I saw was a dad who had returned from what looked like the army. I had never seen a brother and sister want to get stuck in and playing football with their dad.

I know it’s not everybody’s cup of tea, just ask the lady who runs this blog, she accurately described her understanding of sport as ‘move the thing to the place for a win’. I believe you don’t need to love a sport or be a huge competitor just to have fun playing.

(BRAG ALERT) After achieving a C in my PE GCSE (WOO, DON’T TRY TO PUT THIS BADASS DOWN!) the thing I learned the most was the benefits of sport. Though competition was mentioned, it was clear the other benefits were simply leisure and social activities. Sport doesn’t have to be taken super serious, if it’s something for fun, keeping fit, catching up with family and friends or the chance to meet new ones, it’s good for you.

Sport can also be great to teach your children balance, co-ordination, focus, co-operation, communication, sportsmanship and keeping them active, especially if it’s fun. Don’t get me wrong, that’s not my call for you to grab your barely walking baby a team kit and force them to kick a ball, it’s a chance to fill the upcoming summer holidays (you know, that unspoken ring of hell from Dante’s Inferno that NO parent utters with confidence) with a chance to do something for them or together.

Towns have plenty of sports camps for very little, I remember doing football camps and tennis classes for cheap, if not, just go grab some cheap balls or rackets and get playing. The park is the best place to start. It’s an opportunity to get your creative juices flowing.

If you have any great hints, tips or suggestions for getting out there and having fun open up. If not, I expect you’re already out there doing it, which is awesome.

That’s it for this week. I’ll do my best to get back to you Friday coming up. Until then, enjoy that sun!

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