A Tale Of Three Tummies

Once upon a time there were 3 greedy people. They never understood what to really eat for breakfast so they always ended up eating too little or too much.

Mummy normally grabs a big glass of ice water and a banana and by 10:00 she's starving again. Max seems to wolf down a bowl of cereal (those ones that are packed full of sugars that we are told not to eat) followed by some fruit and a smoothie. Daddy sticks with cereal or toast and a river of coffee.

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, in fact it's been proven somewhere that eating breakfast will help you with energy, weight loss and getting out of bed. Let's just say these 3 people weren't great with breakfast. That is until along came some lovely boxes of All Bran.
All Bran have said that if you take their 5 day challenge then you can ease that bloated and sluggish feeling you normally get from other foods. Apparently 90% of your happy hormones come from your gut so eating right can really help especially the right amount of fibre as it can help everything from your gut to your toilet times!

So Mummy, Daddy and Max decided the best thing to do with their poorly tummies and the boys excess gas was to take part in this challenge and work out just how much All Bran could help them feel a bit happier. 

With three gorgeous flavours they all picked a favourite. Daddy loved the Red Berry Crunch soaked in milk with a big mug of coffee. Mummy loved Golden Crunch with sliced bananas and natural yoghurt or milk whilst Max loved Chocolate Wheats with milk and some juice. 

Mummy was initially worried that the portions were small and they wouldn't be full up but at the end of the bowls they all sat back and exclaimed that the tummies were full and hopefully happy.

After the first couple of days Mummy didn't notice much change but felt fuller until lunch. Daddy was definitely less bloated, less gassy and lost a few pounds and Max stopped eating everyone out of house and home. 

Mummy, Daddy and Max felt happier. With all the extra energy they spent more time out in the sunshine and with the happy feeling in their guts from the All Bran they ate healthier and changed the way they thought about meals. Thank you All Bran for coming into our lives and making us happier. And as the story goes, they all lived happily ever after. 

This post is an entry for the “Real Mums of All-Bran” Linky Challenge, sponsored by Kelloggs


  1. This is really well written Laura, I hope you win! VJ x

  2. I enjoyed reading your post. Commenting for myself and on behalf of BritMums and thanking you for taking part
