Our Sweeet Summer

The weather this summer has been glorious. We have spent more time outside than in and frankly found it hard to stay away from the sun. Having said that finding new things to do outside can prove tricky when you are on a low income and don't really have that much to do in your area without travelling. So we came up with a bucket list of low cost things we could do and are slowly ploughing our way through it. Our favourite one being go out at least once a day for a walk.

Having said that our walks normally involve a scooter, some ice cream or an awesome skateboard. We are loving getting out and doing some cheap things so we have come up with a list of things to do outside before you are 4.

  1. Learn how to use a scooter (or a skateboard if you are cool like that) and race a parent.
  2. Get a piggy back off mum or dad so you can grab a massive leaf in the tree.
  3. Climb the biggest tree stump you can find so you are king of the castle.
  4. Make an outdoor collage using the things you find around you.
  5. Draw a family portrait with outdoor chalk.
  6. Splash in puddles and get everyone wet.
  7. Learn how to use the proper swings and feel like your flying.
  8. Build a wildlife nest or a hideaway (with help from mum and dad)
  9. Score a goal (or shoot a hoop) against a parent.
  10. Have a picnic with your family, pick up a pack of fabulous BN biscuits.

We were sent these BN biscuits to try out on our summer challenge. The biggest challenge though was taking a photo before the greedy fingers prised them open! They are great for on the go snacks and treats on our summer picnics. The best thing is that they come prepackaged in a cardboard tube so no broken biscuits on our days out. Max is obsessed with the chocolate ones whilst I am surprised that I prefer the raspberry ones. I remember having BN's as a kid myself so it's a bit of nostalgia at the bottom of the picnic bag!

Summer doesn't need to be all about expensive days out in heaving theme parks. We would much prefer to have a quiet day with family and friends soaking up the sun and doing something different. I can't wait to see what the rest of the summer has in store for us!

This post is an entry for 42 Days of Summer Linky Challenge sponsored by McVitie’s BN. Learn more at http://bit.ly/1mRpMCL

1 comment

  1. Lovely post and oh for that flying feeling - brings back so many happy memories. Commenting for myself and on behalf of BritMums and thanking you for taking part.
