Christmas Art

The day we had our paints out we decided we would try something different. We are on a mission to do lots of cheap and hand made things this christmas. That includes cards. So when a brainwave hits I jumped on it. Queue blow paint Christmas cards. 

What you need:
  • Card cut up into small pieces (we did ours into 4 from an A4 sheet of card)
  • Paint
  • Straws
  • A big set of lungs.

We started off by putting big blobs of paint on the card and slowly blowing it out into a shape using the straw. Once we got the hang of it we got a bit more adventurous by doing various shapes like the tree below. 

Once these were dry we trimmed them down and mounted them onto coloured card and decorated with glitter and pens to make them a bit more sparkly. 

A perfect quick craft to do with the kids!

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