Aztec Wigwam Play Tent Review

With spring hopefully around the corner and the weather starting to pick up (I use my words wisely, I don't want to jinx it!) we thought what better time than now to review some outdoor, and indoor fun. 

We are a pretty outdoorsy family and love a good festival so when we were asked to review the Aztec Wigwam Play Tent from Big Game Hunters we jumped at the chance! A tent that we could use indoors and out and have fun with for years, who doesn't love the sound of that!

The great thing about the site is that the product is sent via secure post meaning you can track it and work out exactly when it's going to arrive. We didn't tell Max that it was going to be arriving and left it as a surprise for the moment we unpacked it. I was really surprised to find that it came in quite a small box, about up to my waist and neatly packed. 

We took the tent round to my aunt's house. They have a massive garden and we are normally there a lot so know that it was the best place to show Max what he had been sent. I was also unsure of how big it was and where we would fit it in our flat once we got home. 

The instructions were really clear and concise, they showed me where everything went and I didn't get confused once! And I have to admit that instructions can beat me at the best of times. We found that it took about 2/3 people to put it together as you had to support it whilst tying things but once it's built you just have to pull all the poles together. It's got a diameter of a meter and a half, quite large so perfect for fitting a few kids in!

Once built though this gorgeous tent is sturdy and supportive. You don't need anything to weigh it down as the poles sit in the pockets of the canvas. The great design is bright and attractive and is infact made with a waterproof coating so it can be used outdoors without worrying about a small bit of rain damaging it!

The ground was a bit wet so we threw a sheet down and Max spent a good 3/4 hours running about, playing with his toys and loving his tent. It's something I can imagine taking down to the park for an afternoon of fun in the sun with his friends as it's fairly easy to pack away and transport. 

When we took the tent home we put it back up in our lounge, it's a bit of a squeeze but perfect for a lazy movie day as we threw loads of cushions and blankets inside and popped on a great film. Of course Max had to give me an impromptu performance to prepare for all the festivals he's going to perform at!

We love this tent, it's gorgeous design, long lasting, durable and affordable. Priced at £59.99 you know it's something that is going to last and be played with forever. The only thing that I don't like? It's not made in an adult size!


  1. This is just gorgeous!!! Mine would love something like this, they would live outdoors if they could! x
