Introducing My Britmums Sponsor!

As many of my readers are aware, it's nearly Britmums Live! I've been so fortunate this year that a lovely company you may have seen featured on my blog have offered to sponsor me to attend this festival. If you haven't been reading my blog (and why not!) then my wonderful Britmums Live sponsors are Blloon!

If you don't know, Blloon are an app that you can download on your phone to access a wealth of books to read, download and love. If you haven't read my in depth review then check it out here.

As most of you know, I'm a bookseller and a book addict so this partnership is perfect for us. Not only will there be a host of great new reviews on my Friday Reads section, there will also be highlights, news and other things going on from this wonderful company. 

Blloon is a great service. Not only do you get taster pages on the books you can download, there is also the opportunity to subscribe and use in many different ways. Firstly you can earn pages by getting others to sign up, recommending books and shouting out about the things you love. Secondly, you can download pages for your account, meaning you have a certain amount of pages available to read. Finally you can subscribe for £3.99 or £6.99 a month to get a set amount of pages a month (that roll over too!) This has got the app the tagline "Netflix but for books" which is pretty much the best combination ever.

Honestly I can't wait to work with Blloon over the next year on different bits and pieces for my blog (and Pbloggers!). It's great to be with them as they grow from a wonderful start up to something that is going to change people's reading habits in the touch of a button. If you still aren't convinced then watch this video below!

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