We love play dates. They are one of those magical things that both parent and child adore and almost don't want to end. I mean the kids can run riot and us adults can sit there and chat to our hearts content knowing that the little angels have each other to play with. At least it's like that for us!
Max has a best mate, who's been his best mate as long as we can remember. And I get on amazingly with his mum, and the same with Scott and his dad. So when we get together we know that it's a barrel of laughs and the kids will love it.
It normally involves a trip to the park on the scooters or bikes, followed by a slow wander back to their house for a picnic or bite to eat. The kids love to run around pretended to be everything from pirates to dinosaur hunters. Their favourite though is superheroes. That normally means they need full tummies, which results in a lot of food scoffing before the running around. This time though I bought something magical...
See the kids are really amazed when us adults do something they can't believe. Normally that involves cutting sandwiches into awesome shapes, making pizzas out of doughy balls or magically finding a chocolate coin behind their ears. And when I told them that we had some magic yoghurts that were squares and two different flavours they couldn't believe me! So much so that they snatched the yoghurts from me (well Max did - you can tell who is the cheeky one in this friendship) and couldn't wait to dive in.
That was until I told them that they had to say some magic words before they opened it. After them laughing and falling about saying silly words like "swizzle" and "wibble wobble" I finally let them dive in. To see their faces when the magic had happened and there really was squares in their Petits Filous was amazing.
We love to give the kids a yogurt after a hard day playing. Not only is it filled with calcium and other good stuff it also fills them up with a great energy boost for another round of fun and games! Who knows where their next play date will take them.
This post is an entry for BritMums #MagicSquaresPlaydates Linky Challenge, sponsored by Petits Filous
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