DIY Geometric Canvas - Quick Craft

We always love a quick and easy craft in our house. One that Max can get messy in and I can try and do something interesting. So when I decided on a whim that we needed some new artwork in our flat I thought it was a perfect time to pull out the paints and get messy.

What you'll need:
  • Canvas (we got ours from Home Bargains for £1.50)
  • Masking tape
  • Paints (we used cheap Tesco poster paints)
  • Sponges (we bought a giant value brand one and cut into pieces)
How to do it:

Using the masking tape, mark off areas of the canvas in a geometric style pattern. We did the big lines first and then filled in with smaller stripes of masking tape so that there were triangles of different sizes. 

We then used a standard blue colour to paint on the canvas. We used a sponge to get a great mottled effect but also gave an even coverage meaning it dried a bit quicker. 

Once that was dry we added a lighter blue, then repeated it again with a purple and white to create a great blend of different colours. 

When the entire painting was dry we slowly peeled off the masking tape revealing this great geometric pattern. We unfortunately had some bleeding from the paint but I think I just didn't take time to ensure the making tape was properly held down. 

It creates a really cool and original painting and we are already planning our next one (I'm thinking of a chevron pattern as I'm slightly obsessed with chevron!)

1 comment

  1. I love this! I think canvas work are great to look at and my children really enjoy making them.
