I didn't go to BritMums Live

This is a bit of a hard post to write. Not because of the title of the post but the reasons behind not going. I'm going to keep it brief and normal service will resume as soon as possible. 

There was an accident. One that couldn't be stopped and no one is to blame. It resulted in Max having to go to hospital with some pretty painful burns. Since last week we've been in a whirlwind of hospital appointments, car journeys and sleepless nights. 

Everything is okay, everyone is okay. Max is understandably sore but we've been told he's getting better faster than they all thought he would. He's still his happy, chirpy self that won't sit still for longer than 3 seconds and let's face it, he's loving the visitors and cuddles (and presents from Nanny).

Obviously it meant me missing BritMums Live. A wee bit gutted but my family come first. But don't fret. Me and my sponsors Blloon still have some amazing things lined up over the coming year. 


  1. Glad to hear Max is okay and making a speedy recovery, sending love and hugs! x

  2. Really glad Max is on the mend, can only imagine how much of a scary time it was for you all!xx
