Friday Reads: What I've Been Reading On Blloon

If you haven't read my review of Blloon yet then head over to my introduction post. For those that do know, Blloon is an amazing app that you can download on your phone or tablet and then access a wealth of books. You can subscribe and receive a certain amount of pages per month to then download your books with. Once downloaded they stay on your device!

I'm slightly obsessed with this app. There's so many books that I've not been sure of buying, but with the app it means I can try before I commit without breaking the bank. So here's what I've been reading on Blloon for the past couple of months.

 Apple Tree Yard - Louise Doughty. 

This tells the story of a woman who finds herself in the wrong place at the wrong time which results in her being on trial for murder. Flitting between past and present, you slowly build up a case yourself on what's actually happened to find her in that position.

Honestly this was a slow burner for me. I've read loads of crime/thrillers lately and I don't think that this one packed as much punch as some of the others. That's not to say it didn't keep me on the edge of my seat.
 The Perfectionists - Sara Shepard

Most of you know that I'm a Pretty Little Liars addict. I've read all the books and I devour the TV series as soon as it airs in the UK (not to mention obsessively checking for theories on who A is!). So when I saw that Sara Shepard had released a new series I knew it was going on my to read list immediately.

This tells the tale of seemingly perfect students in a seemingly perfect school. The ones that are going to ace exams and get into the best universities. There is of course Nolan, the guy who everyone loves to hate. So when a group of girls plan the perfect murder they are shocked to find someone has taken their idea.

A gripping novel and I honestly can't wait to carry on this series!
 We Were Liars - E. Lockhart

A group of cousins and their families all meet on the same private island each summer. Except one year Cadence suffers an accident and can't piece together what happened that summer. The story follows Cadence as she tries to piece together what happens.

It's one of those stories that you will finish and want to read all over again. I leant my copy to a friend so as soon as I got the app I re-downloaded it so I could read it all over again.

Whatever you think about the book, lie about the ending. No-one needs spoilers like that!
Say Her Name - James Dawson

I'm not normally one for horrors. Thrillers, crime, blood and gore I can deal with. But horrors normally leave me crying or screaming. This one however kept me hooked. I read it in a day and now I completely avoid looking into mirrors and saying Bloody Mary over again.

A classic horror tale with a twist, this story is one that is based around a boarding school, one that is haunted by a ghost that only emerges when you say her name. From that moment you need to watch your back.

Honestly I love reading using the Blloon app. It means that I'm not carrying around a boat load of books anymore and I can have a great selection at my fingertips for less than the cost of a coffee each month!

What have you been reading recently?

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