Winchester Science Centre

Last week we decided to make the most of our holiday staycation and we ventured over to the Winchester Science Centre for some clever fun. Me and Scott spent the car journey reminiscing about the place as we both went on many a school trip there (which was always the highlight of the year). But it did leave us wondering if anything had changed and how it had moved on to the next generation.

Luckily we weren't disappointed. Amongst the old treasures (the wind generator was our personal nostalgic highlight!) there are over 100 hands on exhibits for children and adults to play and learn from. Max had a whale of a time, albeit slightly overwhelmed to begin with. But he soon found his stride and slowly but surely made his way around all of the exhibits learning about everything from kinetic energy to recycling. 

I know he was a tad young to learn the scientific side of most things but with the exhibits being so hands on it allowed him to work things out and try different things to see what the reaction would be. It would be great to take him back in a few years once he has a bit of science education behind him to show him how things really work. 

On site they also have one of the biggest planetarium cinemas where various movies are shown. We went to see one about astronauts and how they train and live on aircraft. Max absolutely adored it and it took your breath away at how you felt like you were floating in space. And for £2 extra on the entry ticket you can't really say no. 

Overall we loved our time at the Science Centre, it was a great way to have fun but learn something at the same time! It made us realise that Max is a very hands on learner so when it comes to school it will be better to adapt his learning at home to a similar style. We can't wait to go back and have some more fun!

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