Young Women's Trust.

Being a young woman in any point of history is tough. Being a woman in society now is no different. More than 100,000 young women will be out of education, employment or training than young men. Because of that, more young women will be in poverty and be working below minimum wage, or zero hour contract jobs. 

When I had Max I knew things would be tough, but I didn't expect things to change the way they did. The supportive work and education networks I once had were now destroyed by the fact I had a child. That shouldn't have been the case. I shouldn't have been pushed out of my job because I was a "young mum that should stay at home like all the others" and I shouldn't have been told to quit uni 6 weeks before I graduated because "a young mum can't succeed on this course". What I needed was support, support from those higher than me that could help and guide me in the right path. 

Luckily I managed to graduate (thanks to an amazing lecturer that actually gave a damn) and got a job that I love to pieces now. But if that had been someone else then the situation could have been much worse. Even after I complained, no one seemed to give two hoots or even address my complaint. Now I'm on the right path and have an idea of what I want to do career wise I can prove those people wrong. 

But that's where the Young Women's Trust come in. More than ever, young women need to have their voices heard. They are an organisation that are there to help young women make sure their potential and talents don't go to waste. That these amazing individuals know they have a future and they can inspire others to do the same.

The YWT is an organisation that stands up for young women. Their Work It Out coaching sessions allow young women to get the confidence they need to take the next step of whatever path they want to follow.

They campaign on things such as youth unemployment, education and low pay and challenge the negative stereotypes that are placed on young women to showcase the amazing things that these women can do.

I honestly wish that I had known about the YWT when I was in my difficult situation a few years ago. Knowing how amazing they are it would have been so nice to have them support me through it rather than the stumbling that I did. But now I know about this amazing organisation I want to shout from the rooftops and let everyone know how special they really are.

Young women have it tough. If they become young mothers they are judged, if they want to work in an industry dominated by men then they are judged and if they want to further themselves in education then they are judged. It would be amazing to live in a society where women are treated the same as men, but until that point we need to do everything we can to change opinions.


  1. Great to know this is out there for today's young women :)

  2. I've never heard of this trust but it's great that it's there and available for young women. XX

  3. Anything that helps support and empower young women is worthwhile.

  4. I have never heard about this trust before but it is great to know it is out there for women who need it

  5. What an amazing organisation. It's something I wish I'd of had in my life at points too

  6. This is such an amazing sounding trust - so good they are behind young women. x

  7. damed if you do damed if you dont, I feel like women are highley judged whatever path they taken when they have chiuldren, ssuch as h your just a stay t home mum or you leave your young child in nursery. Well done to you for achieving your goals and what a brilliant trust! nice to see some support out there x

  8. I have never heard of the trust before so it was an interesting read x

  9. Dont know of this trust its very interesting sounds so good.

  10. I've never heard of this trust before, it sounds like a wonderful organisation and great if anyone needs to go to them x

  11. Never heard of this organisation before. Such a good thing to have though and offering much needed support to those who need it

  12. What a super organisation. I have never come across it before, but it sounds ace

  13. It's tough for all women in society but helping them and supporting them to grow strength from a young adult is so important. Hurray for this organisation

  14. what a brilliant trust ~ so important for young women to have this

  15. I have not heard of this organisation before but sounds like they are doing a fabulous job. I do think women are getting a better deal than they used to

  16. This sounds amazing, I hadn't heard of it before either.

  17. Sounds like the Young Womens Trust do good work - I'd not heard of them before.

  18. I've never heard of them before, sounds like they do good things though
