How We Are Coping With School

So a week has gone by since Max took his first steps into his new classroom in reception. It's been a bit of a rollercoaster for us but the highs definitely outweigh the lows. 

  • We've had no tears! Hurrah! We knew that Max would go into school without any fuss, he's made some new friends and will happily run off with them each morning, even going as far as to already organise play dates!
  • I've joined the PTA and am now officially a part of the committee. I didn't intend on getting that involved but when they mentioned they needed a blogger to do write ups on the events I could hardly say no.
  • We've settled into a great new routine. Max is now sleeping so much better and waking up at a sensible time to get ready and have a bit of a play in the morning. We've cut the school run down from half an hour to 15 minutes with the help of a scooter too. I'm one of those mums now.
  • He's not been told off! Well he may have had a few slip ups but he's even been the first one of the day to get on the rainbow board some mornings! I think we might have to adopt the same routine at home.
  • We've not had any separation anxiety. I think Max being in nursery most of his life has helped with settling him at school. We are those awful parents that high five as we leave him there.
I'm really surprised with how well we are coping. I did expect there to be some tears from at least one of us for one reason or another but he seems to have settled in brilliantly. We've got loads of things planned with the school and other parents soon so I can't wait to immerse myself in the school mum lifestyle.

I'm also really loving having a bit of me time. I know it sounds bad but I was getting so run down and under the weather from cramming almost a second job (two blogs and volunteering) into a few evenings a week. Having Max at school has allowed me to focus on different things each day and find myself a bit more beyond Max's mum. 

I hope all the other new starter mums have had a successful few weeks. 

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