Each year I write down in my diary a list of things that I want to achieve on my blog for that year and 2016 is no different. With Max being at school, 2016 gives me so much more time to focus on blogging, writing and everything else that I one day hope will be a career. So here's a list of things that I want to achieve in 2016.
- Improve my photography - Being a photography graduate I should be at my peak for taking photos but I still lack confidence in some aspects, especially composing food and products for review shots. I want to focus more on practicing still life photography and honing those skills whilst capturing Max being the cheeky chap he is.
- Create a blogging schedule - Christmas holidays have completely thrown me and I didn't post for nearly 2 weeks. It was completely unintentional but I realise that I need to have a bit of a better schedule for posting.
- Schedule social media posts - I can guarantee that I forget to do this every time I post. I need to stay more on top of sharing my posts and others on social media. What's the point in using it if you aren't going to be social?
- Join in with linky's - I love linkys. Some people think they are just an easy way to get views but I love them as you can discover so many new things. So I'm going to be joining in with some of my favourite linkys and starting one of my own over on the book blog!
- Refine what I post - I don't want to be posting something for the sake of it. I want my posts to be interesting to read. To be filled with gorgeous photos and wonderful words. I found that over the past year or so I've been posting things that I don't even enjoy writing, just so I have something to post. So I'm going to take a step back and make sure what I post is going to be relevant.
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