The Ordinary Moments - Looking Forward

Max is back at school and we are nearly back to our normal routine. The rain is pouring and we are in need of a deep spring clean and a trip to the dump in the hope we can start to replace some of our tired furniture. I'm finding it a bit tricky to settle into a routine that is working for me though, but I know that eventually I will get there. I think it's because I pile so much pressure and expectation on myself that I don't really know where and when to stop. 

This year is going to be a pretty full on year for me alone. Alongside working daily at Waterstones and blogging on two websites, I'm starting a Social Media course with Digital Mums and ploughing on with my charity work with Young Women's Trust. I'm so looking forward with seeing what I can achieve in this year but the thought of trying to juggle it all is filling me a bit with dread. 

I'm one of those people that always thinks I can do better. It's a blessing as well as a curse as I find myself achieving so much but also burning myself out. I saw a post that a friend linked on Facebook that Thought Catalog had posted titled "20 Signs You're Doing Better Than You Think You Are" and it really hit home. I pile all this pressure on myself to improve everything. I compare myself to all the amazing bloggers I read and beat myself up that I haven't got x, y and z that it just makes all the great things I do achieve seem worthless. 

So looking forward I'm going to be more positive. Yes I can sit on Rightmove and dream of those houses that we probably will never afford. But by doing so I won't have those moments to sit back and think "damn I've done a lot and I'm a pretty amazing woman". Yes I'm going to spend my life juggling but It will be so worth it at the end of it. 


  1. Good for you lovely! That sounds like a very positive outlook to have and wow it does sound like you are going to be very busy- you sound like a super mum. Good luck with all your goals for this year and I bet you will look back at the end of it and be very proud of yourself. x

  2. Good luck getting a balance and enjoying the moments. I like to always have things to work for too and accomplish, it feels good and wasting time is no good for anyone haah, take it easy sometimes though and look after you. Hope your endeavours come off xx #ordinarymoments
