Arts In Dorset and #KidsArtsDorset

Many of my readers know that I'm part way through my journey with Digital Mums. As part of our journey we have to create and run our own digital campaign of our choosing. As I'm a massive fan of promoting things in the local area, and I'm a bit of a theatre/cinema/art junkie, I wanted to bring those together.

Arts In Dorset is a combination of Twitter, Facebook and Instagram platforms that will showcase some of the best arts for kids and families in the Dorset area. Everything from theatre, music, film and the arts to capture the imagination. I'm hoping that this is something that will really engage with the local community as there is so much on offer to see and do.

By using the #KidsArtsDorset and #ArtsInDorset hashtags I hope to share some of the best things I've seen going on in the area, things that I don't want people to miss and the opportunity for others to share what they have been doing in the area too. So any local bloggers/businesses feel free to use the tag and I'll be sure to feature you.

1 comment

  1. Great Idea Laura. There is so much going on at the moment in Dorset it's a great idea to showcase it all in one place.
