After School Treat With Newton's Appl Fizzics

Max, like all kids loves sweet treats. I'm always reluctant to cave in and when I do it tends to only be something like a small sweet or some lemonade. I'm always on the lookout for alternatives for those perfect after school treats, and I think I've found one!

Newton's Appl Fizzics are a refreshing, lightly fizzy apple drink. Made with just apple juice and sparkling water, this drink packs less than 40% sugar than juice on it's own and doesn't have a trace of any nasty preservatives and artificial ingredients.

I'm a fan of anything that's low in sugar but high in flavour, knowing that Max can have a treat and not be filling himself with nasties is fantastic. Max absolutely loved these drinks and told me they were better than the other fizzy apple drinks he had tried! We filled up glasses with ice and poured over the drinks, Max felt really grown up with it being in a bottle.

I loved how refreshing they tasted and it reminded me of a light apple cider. I'm not a heavy drinker and prefer soft drinks so will definitely buy these for myself as a non alcoholic alternative (if Max doesn't drink them first).

 Newton's Appl Fizzics are just launching and at present are only available on Amazon. They are the perfect spring/summer drink and we're definitely stocking up before bbq season hits! Thanks Newton's for sending us some fantastic treats. 

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