Spring Week at Wyevale Garden Centres

We love a good craft event, anything that gets kids messy and having fun is good in my books. And if we don't have to clean up it's even better! Wyevale Garden Centres are well known for hosting great family friendly events and we were recently invited to their Spring Week activities. 

We invited Max's best pal (and girlfriend) Rubi with us as she's the craftiest kid we know. For £5 per child they were shown how to create chocolate nests with a jelly treat, an activity sheet with a spring theme and unlimited squash to keep them hydrated as they worked. 

We opted for the morning session and were amazed to find the kids were the only two taking part (I think it's because the session did start pretty early!). It was a blessing in disguise as the kids can really be kids and it meant that there were minimal distractions. They had their own table and it was set up beautifully.

Whilst the process was extremely messy, the staff were amazing with showing the kids exactly how to crumble the wheat and mix the chocolate in (with their hands!). I need to thank the staff at this point for allowing the kids to make a mess, all I can say is that I'm glad we weren't doing it at home. 

There were bowls everywhere with little treats to add to the nexts once they had been scooped in the cases. The kids loved arranging the wiggly worms and the eggs. They even hid a layer of chocolate coins at the bottom of each case for an extra chocolatey treat. Whilst the staff took them off to the fridge to set. The kids set about on their activity sheets, colouring the takeaway boxes (for the cakes) and eating the leftover mixture. Even Scott took a lick of a spoon!

For the price of the event, I was amazed at how much the kids managed to do for the money. Not only did they make cakes and do some activities, they had an absolute blast. Helped by the wonderful staff that made them feel extra special. I know that Wyevale host a mixture of great events across the year and we will definitely be coming back! Thank you Wyevale for the opportunity, it was such a great Easter treat. 

P.S: Check out how great this hot chocolate was! They even added some of the leftover melted chocolate to add a bit of indulgence to it.

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