A Moors Valley Getaway

We absolutely love heading to our local nature reserves over summer. Not only do they just cost the price of parking, they also fill a whole day outdoors, pumped full of fresh air and fun. We headed down to Moors Valley with some of Max's school pals. It's got to the point of the summer holidays when the kids need to get together and so do us mums (mainly for our sanity!). The sun was shining and we couldn't wait to let this kids run wild in the forest. 

One of our favourite things about Moors Valley is the variety of things to do. Not only do they have the famous Go Ape highropes, there is also the play trail full of wooden climbing frames, steam train, play areas and enough open spaces to completely get lost. This means that you can really spend your whole day here, and we did just that.

We started off by going along the play trail, this is a great way for the kids to have an adventure whilst being in a fairly enclosed space. We love the fact that each activity on the play trail is a completely different challenge. It really makes the kids think logically as to how they can really get the most out of it. The rope course was definitely one of their favourites.

Of course kids need a spot of lunch, so we popped over to one of their designated picnic areas and wolfed down more food that we could fit in before we headed off on a walk around the Moors Valley lake. The lake is one where people are allowed to fish in so we encountered many different people and the kids loved discovering new things.

Once you've toured the edge of the lake you reach the Moors Valley Railway. A miniature steam train that takes you on a trip around the reserve. We opted for a return journey which the kids loved as they got to wave at everyone passing by! An ice cream topped off their day along with a well deserved sit down.

I absolutely love the bunch of friends that Max has made at school. Not only are they thick as thieves, stick together and bicker like old married couples. The mums are also amazing too. I love that they are always there come rain or shine to hang out, gossip and grab breakfast with. Next year most of the kids aren't in classes together so it's going to be so surreal when we go back and aren't standing at the same door together. But we know that we will stick together, the kids have bonded like I would never have believed in one short year and I don't see new classes changing that relationship!

I loved our day out with our friends, we've already planned the next one! Fingers crossed we can grab a picture of them all a bit happier on the spider.


  1. Looks like a ton of fun, I loved Moors Valley and can't wait to come back one day soon xx

  2. I love Moors Valley. Used to come a lot as a kid and was so excited to take my 4 yr old at Easter. The play trail is fab
