#Brightfuture with Unilever

I have a child that loves dirt. When I say he loves dirt, I mean he LOVES dirt. Rolling in it, running in it, making mud pies. The messier the better in his eyes. Whilst I love that he doesn't mind getting in touch with nature, I do find that his clothes are tinged with the colour of mud! We normally rely on Persil Non-Bio to get the stains out. Not only is it small and mighty, it also does the best job at getting rid of those tough mud stains. 

Unilever have launched their #BrightFuture campaign, to inspire people to take small steps to help the world be a more sustainable place for all. From helping empower girls with self esteem problems to helping children gain access to education, Unilever are doing all they can to help change the world one product at a time. 

We are the first to admit that we aren't as sustainable as we could be. Whilst we recycle, use eco friendly products and go out as much as we can. We do have two cars and we rely heavily on technology to get through the day. We do however love to unplug and take a trip to the local forest. 

We like to run around and pretend we are on a bear hunt, or looking for the Gruffalo. We love the fact that we can disconnect and focus on nurturing creativity and getting in touch with nature. We hunt for bugs and try and learn something new about out outside world each time we step out of the front door. It helps us forget about the issues we can face at home and focus on the bigger picture.

The future might be uncertain but I know that whatever happens we are doing our bit to shape the world around us. From little things we do in our family to bigger steps we can take with the community, we are looking forward to a brighter future. 

This post is an entry for BritMums #brightFuture Challenge, sponsored by Unilever


  1. Great post. Commenting for myself and on behalf of BritMums and thanking you for taking part

  2. Great post. Commenting for myself and on behalf of BritMums and thanking you for taking part
