The Neptune Harvester Review

Whenever we want to head out somewhere to eat, we always opt for somewhere that is family friendly and puts kids at the heart of their restaurant. Harvester is one of those brands that really makes eating out fun. We were recently invited to our local Harvester called the Neptune on Boscombe pier to try out some of their new menu. 

With Scott being at work, we decided to invite Max's best friend Rubi and her mum to come with us. As soon as we entered the restaurant, we were amazed at how light and airy it felt. The style was so modern and fun, with lots of different light fixtures, tables and chairs. It was really warm and rustic and we couldn't wait to get eating. Our waitress Megan really went above and beyond to make sure that we had a fantastic meal out.

The kid's menu is fantastic, there is so much on offer for them and Harvester really make eating out fun. Both of the kids opted for burgers and got to add and take away sides and toppings as they pleased. The kids were handed activity packs when they were seated, and our two couldn't wait to get stuck in whilst they were waiting for their food.

As with all Harvester restaurants, you get unlimited access to their salad cart. It's a perfect way for the kids to feel grown up as they pick what they love. Fortunately our kids love some salad, and we all filled our bowls high with some fresh tomatoes, cucumber and corn.

The main menu is full of delicious food. It took us ages to work out what we wanted, and in the end went for burgers and boneless ribs. The food was hot, fresh and gorgeous and we couldn't wait to get stuck in. With all of the Harvester menu items, you can switch sauces and sides to make a meal that ticks all your boxes. For example, I opted for sweet potato fries and Rubi wanted mash with her burger.

The kid's menu got massive thumbs up from the kids and I loved the presentation of the beans in small flower pots. Max doesn't like his food being mixed up too much so this was great for any fussy eater that likes things separated. The staff were great and gave us a takeaway pot to put Max's leftover burger in so he could finish it later.

Of course you can't go out without indulging in dessert. We all opted for something scrummy, with us grown ups going for salted caramel profiteroles and sticky toffee pudding. Both of which were rich and indulgent. The perfect finish to a fantastic meal. 

The kids went for make your own cookie pizzas. They had so much fun decorating their cookies with chocolate sauce, marshmallows and strawberries. I love that the kids meals really get the kids involved in the making and creating of them. It makes eating out really fun for the kids.

The Neptune Harvester is a fantastic food destination. You know that you are going to get high quality, tasty food with fantastic service to match. It's great to be able to sit and eat something whilst watching the surfers next to the pier. We can't wait to go back there next time. 

*Note, we were sent to the Neptune and recieved food in return for an honest review. All opinions are our own.

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