Give Books This Christmas

I am a huge fan of giving books as presents. They can create new worlds, endless hours of imagination and can take the recipient on a journey they won't forget. We encourage Max to read something each night, and nowadays you can find him curled up in bed with his favourite Roald Dahl, Goosebumps or Harry Potter. Normally with a torch under his bed covers!

Being a bookseller, I seem to inhale books. The amount that I read in a month is probably similar to the amount people read in a year. But I wouldn't have it any other way. I remember being a young girl and learning about the worlds of Mallory Towers, Narnia and Hogwarts. Falling in love with characters and stories and wishing I could be transported there for a moment. I'm so glad I've passed this love of literature on to Max. 

I absolutely love working where I do, especially around Christmas. Amongst all the hustle and bustle and stress of working in retail, I love being able to help people choose the perfect books for gifts. Then seeing the customers return to tell me how much the present was loved, it just makes my day.

Penguin Random House recently sent me some books to help inspire some other young readers I know. Whenever I receive one of those gorgeous shiny blue bags in the post, I know I'm in for a treat! Opening the bag, I knew that the books were fantastic and amazing books to give as gifts. I was sent:

The Racehorse Who Wouldn't Gallop - Clare Balding
I absolutely loved this book! It was incredibly funny and had me roaring with laughter over Percy the racehorse that won't stop farting! I know Max is going to love this book so it's going to be wrapped up safely for Christmas. This book is perfect for anyone that loves something a bit funny and daft. Think David Walliams and Roald Dahl!

Diary Of A Wimpy Kid Double Down - Jeff Kinney
Diary Of A Wimpy Kid is a literary institution for kids. It's one of those series that is perfect for introducing them to longer stories as they include fantastic pencil drawings throughout. Max has only just started reading this series, so I'm going to hang on to this one for a while as I know he will read it in a few months time.

Girl Online Going Solo - Zoe Sugg
With Zoe being the biggest Youtuber around, you can understand how popular this trilogy has been. Whilst not my favourite author from the teen fiction category, I can appreciate and be grateful that this book series has introduced a whole new world of kids to books. I've already got a copy of this so it's going to be wrapped up for my teenage Youtube obsessed cousin who will definitely love it!

There are too many books to list and picking my favourite is a tough, tough choice. Most books I've read have had some impact on my life. Where The Wild Things Are is a book that inspired me to name Max, Max. The character embodies mischief and adventure, which I think is definitely apt for our little adventurer. The other is The Perks Of Being A Wallflower, a book that arrived at the exact right time for me. I was riddled with uncertainty of myself and this book spoke to me and made realise that anything was possible.

Both books are ones that have struck a note with me, resonated and stayed with me longer than any other. I could almost say that these books have helped change and shape who I am as a person. I hope that Max finds the love of literature that I do. And I hope that the books I give this Christmas will be #storiesforlife.

*Note, I was gifted the books from Penguin Random House and Britmums.

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