March Books Reading List.

March was a month of struggles for me. Between losing my grandma and having work worries (Scott not me), reading was the last thing that I wanted to do. I did however have a fantastic Mother's Day and was generously given a Kindle to allow me to read some books I had been approved for on NetGalley. I have to say, I'm still not convinced by the kindle and I think it's never going to overtake books. But it's definitely going to help when I head to Bulgaria this summer for a family holiday. Let's face it, I think Scott would be angry if I filled the whole suitcase with books!

The start of March was mine and Scott's anniversary and he ended up buying me Let Me Lie by Clare Mackintosh. I am HUGE fan of Clare's and think that she is metaphorically killing it in the psychological thriller genre. Let Me Lie tells the story of Anna. A young mother whose parents died within months of each other a year ago. Now on the anniversary of her mothers death, she receives a card that turns everything she thought she knew on it's head. Maybe her gut feeling that her parents were murdered wasn't a bad thought after all?

I absolutely loved this book. It literally kept me hooked, had me sat up until the early hours just to finish it. With fantastic twists and turns that literally kept going until the end, it was probably my favourite story to date. I loved the way that I was constantly second guessing myself and even at the end I was sat in disbelief at what i had read. For me though, the stand out part was the character of Murray. A retired police detective that takes it upon himself to investigate the goings on when no one else would. A five star book that I absolutely loved!

Next up was The Cows by Dawn O'Porter. It was a book that I was a tad apprehensive about reading. Not because I thought it would be bad, but because I had heard so much hyped up about it that I didn't actually know what to expect. Based on three women who have different stories that are all tied up together, it's a book about feminism and friendship in the face of adversity. 

The Cows is April's Mumsnet Book Club's book of the month and in partnership with them, I've written a full review for you to read here.

Finally, my first Kindle read of the year was Clean by Juno Dawson. I was lucky to get an advanced copy of this book on NetGalley and literally devoured it. I am a HUGE fan of Juno's work and have read pretty much everything she has written so I was super excited to read her latest YA book. The story revolved around Lexi, a millionaire socialise that almost overdoses one night. Her brother takes her to an exclusive rehab facility on a remote island to finally get clean before she kills herself. But with more than drugs to lure her, can she really get clean in a world surrounded by temptations?

For me, this was a fantastic insight into mental health, addition and substance abuse. The book was so raw that I was a whirlwind of emotions and laughing one minute whilst holding back tears the next. Whilst Lexi wasn't a character that I thought I could relate to, I actually found myself wanting to reach through the pages and give her a hug, reassure her that everything was okay and remind her that she had a big future ahead of her. It captured the literal highs and lows that those who face addiction of all types face. Raw, thought provoking and honest. This book about recovery was an unputdownable read. 

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