Geomag Mechanics Gravity Motor Review

Max is obsessed with building things and seeing how things work. He likes nothing better than sitting and finding out how things have a chain reaction and anything STEM related. So when Geomag got in touch with us to tell us that they had a new range out called Mechanics, we couldn't wait to give it a try. 

When the Geomag Mechanics Gravity Motor turned up, it was a race to see who could get to the box first! And let me tell you, it was worth the race as it's fantastic. 

Geomag Mechanics Gravity Motor

The Geomag Mechanics Gravity Motor set comprises of 169 pieces to help you create multiple different models and experiments. Using Geomag's existing magnetic building system, their Mechanics Gravity sets are designed to teach you everything about gravity and science.

With models ranging from easy to difficult, it's a great way to constantly learn about everything from magnetism to gravity and other aspects of physics. Max is fascinated with science and loves nothing more than a trip to our local science centre, so he was eager to get stuck in.

All of the pieces can be used to create any of the models in the accompanying guide book, or you can make your own to test your science skills. Max was super excited to get stuck in and get his build on! I loved the way that the pieces were clearly labelled and the booklet was pretty much idiot proof as even I could make one of the designs.

It's worth noting that whilst there's 169 pieces, I decided to grab some sandwich bags from the kitchen to keep the spare pieces in. Mainly because the bags that they arrive in are the usual throwaway ones and I didn't want magnetic balls or loose pieces rolling around the place!

Geomag Mechanics Gravity Motor

Geomag Mechanics Gravity Motor

Our first model was the easiest and within minutes Max and I had clipped things together, balanced magnetic balls and secured things into a cute model. Max was apprehensive as to how it would work, but within seconds of hovering the leading magnetic rod near the model, it spun round and round much to his delight!

No sooner had we discovered how magnets could make things spin, Max had dismantled the model and started creating the hardest one called "going down". A clever system that showed you how the magnetic balls could roll down a structure with the spin of a wheel. Within 5 minutes the model had been put together and he was laughing in amazement that he had managed to get something to work so well first time.

It's a toy that has given Max hours of fun and he has spent every day after school doing everything from testing what is magnetic, to creating his own mini structures and models. It's opened his imagination more than I could have ever thought and it's wonderful to see.

Each of the structures shows you how magnets can affect gravity in different ways, whether that's moving something around or up and down. It's fantastic for teaching simple physics, or exploring science as a whole. The pride that Max has had as he has built the models and discovered how things have worked is amazing. For someone that loves discovering things but finds science as school a struggle, it was brilliant to see him embrace it. To say it's the top of Max's Christmas list now is an understatement!

Geomag Mechanics Gravity Motor

The Geomag Mechanics Gravity sets are available in toy shops and online with prices starting from £19.99ish and it's perfect for any child that is interested in science or how things work. To say it will give them hours of endless fun is an understatement, it will give adults and children hours of fun!

Thank you Geomag for the opportunity to review this fantastic play set, we are hooked!

Geomag Mechanics Gravity Motor

*Note: This item was gifted to us but all opinions are our own.

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