Work It Out - Life Changing Coaching

I've been freelancing since July 2017 and whilst it's had it's benefits, it's also had it's downfalls. With the freedom of being your own boss, there was also the added insecurity of not knowing when an invoice would be paid and when you might eventually be dropped. Just over a year after I begun the freelance life I was dropped by two clients through no fault of my own. I had hit a mini rock bottom and I didn't know where to turn. 

Between losing clients, chasing invoices and feeling stressed over a job that was supposed to be the dream one for me, I realised that I needed a change. After applying for every job I could think of I was faced with a barrage of rejections and no replies. I was honestly feeling so lost and after a night of wallowing in my own self pity, I knew that there was only one thing I could do. After volunteering for the Young Women's Trust for three years and less than a month after my award win, I signed up for their Work It Out coaching service.

Work It Out is a free coaching service aimed at young women aged 16-30 who need some confidence building, life coaching and generally need a listening ear to help work through any troubles or issues. As soon as I received and email from Charlotte my coach, I knew that I had made the right choice. I had this gut feeling that it would be life changing coaching.

My first chat with Charlotte involved me talking about why I was interested in the service, what I wanted to get out of it and how I was truly feeling. With a lot of pent up emotions it was a really raw chat that was a bit of a rollercoaster. For me the big problem was the imposter syndrome rearing it's ugly head on my shoulder whenever I thought I was good enough.

I ended the call feeling like the fog was clearing slightly. I was prepared for the interviews. I had set a little mantra for myself to remind myself I was worthy and I felt that I was slightly more confident in terms of believing in myself. And each week and time I spoke to her I just felt that my confidence was growing and I was ready to conquer. The old Laura was back, the one that knew she was amazing at what she did, the one that knew that she was worthy.

The Laura that got the job she never expected to even get an interview for. The Laura that turned those moments on the phone in tears into the moments on the phone with a huge smile on her face. The Laura that said thank you over and over again to the coach that helped her believe in herself. But Charlotte reminded me that it wasn't anything she said or did, it was the skills that I used, the knowledge that I had. It was all me.

In the space of 6 weeks I had gone from a nervous wreck on the verge of a breakdown into a woman that was about to start a job that she was excited for and was filled with confidence. I can honestly say that without Young Women's Trust I wouldn't be where I am today, and the Work It Out coaching service is just one of the reasons why I will forever shout about how brilliant they are.

Thank you Young Women's Trust for introducing me to Charlotte, helping me find the right path and giving me the strength to believe in myself.

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