What's That Smell? Board Game Review

As many of you know, we are HUGE board game fans in our household. We tend to buy at least one new one each year and have about three huge trunks full of them throughout our house and love nothing more than spending time together. 

When picking a board game, we usually take influence on what is set to be the hot game of the year, but also try and find something that will amuse us adults as well as just Max. So when What's That Smell? came onto the scene, I knew that it would tick the boxes for the whole family.

What's That Smell Board Game

What's That Smell is a fun family board game that well and truly stinks. The object of the game is to guess what smell is hidden behind the mystery stink cards, each guess has a points based score and an opportunity to describe what you associate it with. The best winner being the one to describe the smell and what they associate it with when the game is up. Of course the funnier the better and in our family, this got out of hand really fast in the best way!

The winner of the game is the one that has scored the most guesses right. And of course every winner gets to revel in their win by brandishing the stink on someone that lost the game. With four whiff of shame cards that range from horrendous BO to vomit, it's truly a hilarious way to end the game. By downloading the app, you can also record each whiff in slow motion which resulted in Max rolling on the floor laughing (and I can assure you that the smell of vomit was absolutely vile!).

What's That Smell? needs 2-6 players, which is fantastic as it's perfect for just us as a family, or even taking to the in-laws for an after dinner game! It suggests that the age rating is from 14+, but with some guidance Max loved joining in with the smelling and helping mummy decide what it was. It's a really quick game, so is perfect for those that want something for either after dinner or a few drinks over Christmas.

We honestly love What's That Smell? and can't wait to take it to the in-laws for the Christmas break. It's the game that's going to be a hilarious gift that keeps on giving. So sit back, give it a whiff and try and work out What's That Smell!

What's That Smell Board Game

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