Be More Chill - London 2021 Review

Have you ever thought what could happen if you consumed a super computer and allowed it to control your brain? Well that's what Jeremy decides to do in the hit musical Be More Chill and this musical takes you on a whirlwind story of social media, falling for the girl, and finding where you fit in with this big wide world.

 I went into Be More Chill not really knowing anything about it apart from the fact that everyone was talking about it and I needed to see it. But after managing to score some cheap tickets, I headed to the theatre with a friend to see what the hype was all about. 

Based on the book of the same name by Ned Vizzini, this sci-fi teen musical focuses on a high school student called Jeremy who takes a pill called a SQUIP to help him seem more popular in front of his peers. But having someone else control the voices in your brain can have some serious consequences and is popularity really all it's made out to be? This show fizzes with high energy and has a UK cast that don't stop from curtains up until final bows.

Scott Folan takes the role as the main character Jeremy and plays the perfect awkward teen, with his hunched shoulders, geeky traits and voice breaking American twang in his voice, I don't think I could have cast the role better. Playing his best friend Michael was Blake Patrick Anderson who literally left goosebumps on my arms with his rendition of Michael In The Bathroom, arguably the most famous song of show. The emotion in his voice teemed with the conviction his acting made him perfect for the role. 

Miracle Chance, Renee Lamb, Millie O'Connell and Eloise Davies were a team to not want to mess with as the female stars of the show. Miracle was absolutely fabulous as Christine, the main love interest of Jeremy who is just as awkward and slightly nerdy as him. Eloise was the slightly ditzy Brooke, who was over the moon when Jeremy pays her some attention rather than the more popular friends she is jealous of, and Millie and Renee take to the stage as the bitchy mean girls that are full of non stop gossip, ready to ruin anyone else's nights. 

The songs were a perfect blend of upbeat pop, classic musical theatre and slightly techno-video game style songs. With a stage that wouldn't be a miss at a video game convention, it's the perfect show to express the highs and lows of being a teenager. I have been left toe tapping and humming along to the songs without thinking about it. And left wondering if a SQUIP has embedded in my brain as I can't stop thinking about the show!

Content wise, I would definitely say it's more geared towards the teen end of a family show rather than the toddler end. With mature content around sex and violence, and some mild language, it's worth knowing whether your kids understand this before heading to the theatre. Having said that, I would be happy to take Max to see this show as I feel that he would understand the context of most of this content. 

Be More Chill is on at the Shaftsbury Theatre until 5th September and I hope that this show either extends or goes on a UK tour as I feel it's a force to be reckoned with and needs to be seen by such a bigger audience than this short run gives it. Go see it (and don't forget your Mountain Dew!)

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