Priscilla Queen Of The Desert is a show that is unapologetically fearless, fun and fabulous. It's a show that has wowed audiences for years and continues to do so on its UK tour in 2021. Not a show to shy away from issues about LGBTQ+ rights and the fight for equality, this show feels just as relevant as it was when it first took to the stage in 2006.
Bursting with glitter, big wigs and bigger costumes, this show brought the house down as it took to the Mayflower Theatre, Southampton stage. I took Max along with me (as he is partial to a flamboyant show or two!) and we honestly had the time of our lives!
Based on the movie of the same name, Priscilla follows the tale of two drag queens and their female trans friend who head off on a cross country journey from Sydney to Alice Springs to put on the show of their lifetime. Travelling in a battered, run down bus, they head across the outback of Australia and meet an array of people who help these three performers understand who they are and more importantly, what they stand for in the world. Whilst the journey is initially started as a way for Tick/Mitzi to meet his son, it becomes much more of a soul searching journey for all three of the leads to discover much more about themselves than their on stage personas.
With a soundtrack that I personally feel was stolen from my "girls night out" playlist, you are left tapping your toes, dancing in your seat, or in Max's case, clapping along and whooping as loud as he can! With classic hits such as "I Will Survive", "It's Raining Men" and "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, you honestly have to stop yourself singing in your seat with each and every number. The choreography is just as camp and flamboyant as you could hope it to be, with bright, bold costumes and a cast that just seem to work together seamlessly.
Whilst all the cast were brilliant, I have to congratulate the superb performances of the three leads. Edwin Ray took to the stage as Tick/Mitzi, the queen who's hidden family shocks his friends, Miles Western took on the role of Bernadette, a trans woman who is struggling to accept the love she truly deserves, and Nick Hayes who played Adam/Felicia, the obnoxious queen who is desperate for the limelight. Each of them lent humour, empathy and a raw emotion to their role that you were laughing one minute and wanting to hug them the next. You honestly couldn't have cast this show better.
Whilst I have to admit that some of the scenes in the show aren't suitable for a younger audience (suggested age is 13+), I do feel that at the core of the show, the morals and message behind it is one that all ages can listen to and understand. It was a show that sparked a conversation in the car about equality, rights for all and prejudice towards people in various communities (along with a question about ping pong balls!). But for other families, there could be some explaining to do due to the language and sensitive topics covered. Max absolutely adored the show. He couldn't keep his eye off the stage and honestly couldn't stop talking about it on the way home. It's a show that we will definitely be back to see in the future!
Priscilla Queen of the Desert is a show that is light hearted, with a memorable and meaningful message at its core. It's a show that will leave you wanting a night out, a road trip, or a drag show! It will also leave you wanting to hug those near to you and stand up for LGBTQ+ rights. It's a show that is a must see.
Priscilla is on at the Mayflower Theatre in Southampton until the 9th October 2021 and then embarks on a UK tour. Get your groove on and get down to the theatre! It's one not to be missed.
*Note: Tickets were gifted, but all opinions are my own.
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