Pantos to see in 2021

 As soon as December starts to creep up on you, you realise that in the world of theatre it means only one thing... Panto Season is upon us! Whilst some love it, some hate it, and some are indifferent, I absolutely love this time of year. It's the perfect time to practice your "He's behind you's" and "Oh, no it isn't's" and get yourself into the festive spirit. 

With loads to choose from in and around the south coast, I thought I would compile a list of some of the must visits so that you won't miss out!

Cinderella - Mayflower Theatre Southampton - 10/12/2021 - 02/01/2022
Cinderella shall go to the ball this year. But will she get the all important 10 from Craig Revel Horwood in this star studded show? With Craig stepping back onto the Mayflower stage again, you know that this show will be all songs, all dance, and all magic as we wait until the stoke of midnight. The Mayflower panto will always have lavish sets, beautiful costumes, and plenty of moments to boo and hiss. I can't wait!

Jack and the Beanstalk - Kings Theatre Portsmouth - 27/1/2021 - 02/01/2022
Jack and the Beanstalk is one of those classic pantos. One that is sky high full of puns, witty jokes, and magic beans. This year's pantomime has drawn the musical loving Amy Hart, who many knew and loved from Love Island as Princess Jill. The Kings Panto is one that always brings high budget to a smaller stage and always gets the thumbs up from adults and kids. 

Beauty and the Beast - Lighthouse Poole - 09/12/2021 - 31/12/2021
Beauty and the Beast is one of those shows that rarely takes to the pantomime stage. It's one that generally has quite a few darks points, but by the looks of things, the Lighthouse Poole seem to have taken this into their own and this is set to be a tale as old as time. Both Chris Jarvis and Michelle Collins star in this show and it's set to be a hit, albeit a hairy one!

Peter Pan - Bournemouth Pavilion - 04/12/2021 - 02/01/2022
The tale of the boy who never grew us is a pantomime staple, and this year it is the turn of Bournemouth Pavilion to share the story of Pan, Hook, and the Lost Boys. With acrobatic pirates, a gallon of laughs, and a hungry crocodile, this show is perfect for the whole family. Starring Shaun Williamson and Sarah Jane Buckley, this star studded cast will have you screaming "walk the plank". 

Pinocchio - Chichester Festival Theatre - 18/12/2021 - 01/01/2022

Bringing the classic tale of the puppet that wants to be a boy to life, Chichester Festival Theatre are taking on a darkly magical interpretation of this story. Cast mainly with their Youth Theatre team, this show was streamed last year, so is finally getting it's time on stage this time around. Suitable for those age 7+ due to some of the darker themes, this show is set to be one not to forget!

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