Fri Dad - 10 signs of a man child dad!

Hey everyone, it's that time again just like last week...and the week before that...and so on and so forth. This week is a light one to keep your eyes on the screen and on the kids and so I don't bore you enough to start not reading FriDad. Please keep reading it, it makes Laura talk to me.

So for you this FriDad is 10 signs of a man child dad.

1- Matching outfits. Wearing big and small tops is a comically cute thing to do. If the tops have the writing the other way round the irony would be great. The manchild-ness emerges as the father sees your son in a Buzz Lightyear onesie and thinks "that's what I wanna rock...the same time he's wearing it". Bonus points go to dads who do matching face painting...especially if it's KISS.

2- Toy Purchasing. Kids loves toys and kids love parents playing with them, it's what makes parents great. If you try to combine the two, you're looking at an unhappy kid. Dads who buy toys that they want to play for themselves as well causes disruptions. Children are already loud, why would you Initiate that by 'borrowing' their xbox for call of duty then to top it off let them play?

3- Sports team clothing. I get it, because I've done it. You want your child to be into the same stuff as you...except Jaeger trains when they're that age. Sport is a good thing to get them into to get them active and learn that winning isn't everything...(it's the only thing!). Now you've taken them to the park, shown them football, cricket, tennis etc. I suppose they're born for the sport, let's model them in your sporting hero. Again, bonus points if it's similar to yours...just like this pic...

4- Sharing films. Everyone has a favourite kids film, you know, the one that made you lose your mind with wonder. Same applies with tv shows, though it's almost a felony how modern Postman Pat and Noddy look. Why not give yourself an excuse to reminisce. Of course the kids will love it.

5- Sweet purchasing. Yeah sure, screw diets and early bedtimes, who doesn't want to pig out on Haribo?

6- Birthday party games player. Okay I witnessed three manchilds, including myself do this. Three grown men joined in a big soft ball fight with the kids...soon enough, the kids got bored and made their way to the slide. The dads, however, continued their game and saw how good their reflexes were. Maybe being the games creators and outplaying the game was enough to show us up...better yet, we were on a CCTV for the whole play area to see.

7- Competitive gamers. If it's a board game, sport or video game, the heat is on for dads to show superiority. Sportsmanship is key to showing kids respect and showing humility...not in a manchild dad's world. It's vital to show your young one who wears the trousers at board games...whilst probably only in underwear (because you're lazy...let me at least clarify that much). Bonus points go to dads who rub victory in their child's faces.

8- Watching kids shows...for all the wrong reasons. In my last FriDad post I talked about comedy dads e.g. Jim Gaffigan, Kevin Hart etc. One man I missed out was Jason Manford. Now, one thing he mentioned in one of his specials was about watching shows and making up immature story lines for the characters. The same applies to dads who do the same or think in their head things that aren't exactly PG friendly. Bonus points go to dads who laugh out loud at things, then lie to their children what they found funny.

9- Imitating childish behaviour. Okay, it's fine if you're children kick off and throw a tantrum and use cute sentences. But a manchild can be sniffed out quickly if you start to copy that behaviour...for attention.

10- Trying to talk off child like behaviour. This one is for any mum to point to their guilty other half, it's mildly similar to number 2. However, it's about being caught red handed by their partner when trying to act adult. If that dad gets caught adding kids cereal to the shopping list, sneaking Lego into their manhole, buying a sports kite for 'family fun' and planning trips to the cinema for sequels and reboots of classics for 'family entertainment'. Bonus points to mums who say to their partners face that they are a manchild.

Of course there is no shame is manchildhood. As long as you're the role model you need to be for your children, then ride that wave. I'm happy for good dads who aren't afraid to show their flair for fun.

So that's FriDad, see you before the Super Bowl (GO HAWKS!) have a great weekend


  1. Hahaha i think this is for mums too, i love toys and computer games , act like a child most times too x

  2. This made me laugh. Cute post. I love playing like a kid but I think there are way more manchildren than ladychildren for sure. Sorry I missed your link for commenting on UK Bloggers. I am here now, reading and loving!!! ;)

  3. My OH loves playing like a big kid with our two girls, any excuse. My brother defo applies to this post, he loves getting involved in everything, my eldest who is 5 absolutely loves him!xx

  4. My other half is quite reserved and doesn't get stuck in to the playing and stuff. It's usually me you can find rolling around on the floor with them like a loon!

    Louise x

    Confessions of a Secret Shopper | An Undomestic Goddess
