Would you believe it, I have actually posted on time. For the first time in ages!
There's been little I've been able to talk about dad wise, so I had to do a little thinking as to what would inspire my post.
I was pretty bummed out from recent news and plans etc. so I was snatching at something that would give me a lift.
I came across an old video that I watched not long ago.
This man discuss a lot about self confidence and ways in which you can influence children to be uplifted.
I took the time to think about my previous attempts at parenting. Fatigue and pride (this is one that gets in the way of a lot of parents) lead us to snap and get aggravated.
Dr. Ivan Josef discusses about how you can make children respond without having to tell them off. He notes how direct feedback can lower their feelings.
I really took to this, I really started to think if Max deserved my hard side when he can be dealt with differently. Using examples for him to follow and praising things he does right have shown an improvement in behaviour and a closer bond with Max.
I must admit, it's not like I was in desperate need of help. I started to notice how I respond to bad behaviour and how my fatigue can make me rude and abrupt myself.
There is a sense of self confidence that rises in yourself because you did something that works.
His other point that he makes about your own self confidence is something that if you are a struggling parent could do to not let your esteem dip.
Do your best to remind yourself of your positive moments and stay persistent.
Hey, I can understand if you think I'm preaching. I'm not! This video has given me a little bit of perspective that has helped me out thoroughly. I wanted to share this link for those who might need it and to tell my own story of accomplishment, which I seldom do.
Anyway, please check it out if it interests you and be sure to link and share your own videos that keep you going.
Have a great weekend
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