Prezzo La Famiglia- The Perfect Family Meal

We love eating meals out, there's something different and special about eating in a restaurant. Not only do you get to leave the washing up, you have that time as a family to sit down, relax and chat. We tend to unplug and leave our phones in our bags, chat and reconnect as a family. 

One problem we tend to find when eating out is that meal sizes are normally all over the place. Scott can eat more than me, Max tends to pick and choose how much he wants and we are normally left with eating each others meals. Prezzo have created a dish for moments like this. The La Famiglia.

We popped to our local Prezzo which is in the new BH2 complex. I'm loving this place more and more as it has all my favourite places to eat in it! I have to just mention how amazing the decor is. Powder blue seating with white washed wood and industrial touches. I was literally in heaven and may be looking at paint for our kitchen. 

The La Famiglia is a sharing dish for up to 4 people and consists of a pasta dish of either Penne Arrabiata, Spaghetti Bolognese, Penne Alla Rusticana or Spaghetti Carbonara. We opted for the carbonara (Max's choice) and had some garlic bread on the side. The idea of the La Famiglia is that you are all given empty bowls and a giant serving spoon to help yourself. It means that you can pick and choose your portion size, meaning everyone is happy.

Ordering was super easy. With us all sharing one dish it meant that none of us had to deliberate too much, it also meant that it was reminiscent of our sharing dishes we have at home. It took the stress away of staring at the menu for too long and regretting your choice. As soon as the sharing bowl was placed in front of us we all made a collective "oooooh". There's something amazing about a giant bowl of food being placed in front of you.

The dish was absolutely gorgeous. I've never seen Max wolf up a pasta dish as fast as this, and may have asked the incredibly helpful staff what their magic ingredient was. I loved that the staff were great at talking to Max, making sure that he was okay as well as us. It's the little things that make a meal out so lovely. They set him a task of completing the activity sheet in return for a reward and his face was a picture as he tried to work hard at his spellings and maths.

After stuffing ourselves with pasta (we couldn't finish it all!) we had just enough space for ice cream and a scoop was more than enough to satisfy our sweet tooth. The chocolate ice cream was one of the best I had tasted and even had mini chocolate chips in it. 

Our lunch at Prezzo was a perfect family meal together. It felt so good to take some time out of our busy schedules to sit and spend time together as a family. With me working each evening, meal times together are far and few between and this really helped us reconnect in the half term. 

This post is an entry for the BritMums #PrezzoLaFamiglia challenge, sponsored by Prezzo

1 comment

  1. Looks like he is really enjoying that pasta. Commenting for myself and on behalf of BritMums and thanking you for taking part
