Getting Your Car Prepared For Summer

With the summer holidays in planning mode, I'm thinking more and more about the trips we are going to take and how to best prepare for them. As most of our days out are going to be UK based, I'm planning the best driving routes and getting my car ready for distance driving. Here are my top tips for ensuring your road safety this summer. 

  • Check your MOT and insurance details.
    Driving long distances can put heavy wear on your car, but ensuring that your MOT and insurance is up to date is probably the most important part of driving. Without these, your car isn't legally on the road. Whilst I always keep in my phone the dates that my MOT and insurance expire, it's always worth booking your MOT in advance to make sure any repairs are done before it expires. There are many MOT centres like Ossett Tyre House where you can book your MOT online so you have no excuse!
  • Ensure your fluid levels are correct.Whether it's  oil, washer fluid or power steering fluid, we always check our levels before we drive a long distance. I'm always cautious that the British weather can change at the drop of a hat so making sure we are ready for any circumstance is the best. 
  • Light up your lights.
    Checking that your lights are working is one of the most important things to do. Not only for when you are driving in low light conditions, but also when you are driving in any condition. From brake lights to reverse lights, making sure your lights are correct will ensure you don't get into any accidents or problems.
  • Check tyre tread and pressure.
    Tyres can often be overlooked when it comes to driving. But they are paramount for ensuring not only safe driving, but also fuel efficient driving. Checking the tyre tread is as easy as using a 20p. By popping it into the tread lines. If you can see the groove on the side of the coin then the tyres need changing. The tyre pressure is easy to check, with most cars listing their pressure on the inside of the drivers door. We tent to pump ours regularly, but always double check before a long drive.
  • Make sure you have an emergency kit. 
    Being stuck on the side of the road isn't a fun experience, so ensuring you have a small emergency kit is vital for any long trip. Along with the usual emergency triangle and high vis jacket, we tend to pack things such as torch, power bank and snacks. Whether they end up getting used, or just being used once we had arrived it's always best to have some emergency supplies on hand.
  • Plan your journey.
    We tent to use sites such as Google maps or the AA journey planner to plan ahead the best way to get to the destination. Whilst this gives me an idea of the right way to drive, I like to have the Google maps app on my phone navigating us through the traffic to get there safely.
  • Remember it's a journey, not a race.
    Whilst it might seem a good idea to get to your destination in record time, it's worth noting that safe driving is paramount. Sticking to the speed limit, being aware of the drivers around you and being safe on the road will get you to your destination in the safest way. 
With our checklist ready, we are looking forward to heading to various destinations over the summer and can't wait to see where the road takes us!

*Note: this is a collaborative post. 

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